Sudden creative block... wtf?

Ok so all of a sudden I am struck with a creative block. It doesn't happen very often so its sort of a new feeling for me, kinda like I dunno... being zapped by a spaceship or something.
(that has yet to happen to me, although I believe that if there are aliens and if they did come to this planet I can only assume that they would pick up me as a prime example of humanity - anyway I would be equally shocked and surprised if they did as I am now)

Its supposed to be a comic. Four pages long, about a dude named Henry who's friend/relative is writing his other friends/relatives that he is fine and that he's on a trip of sorts. Thats all I got to work with.

I think I should be able to spin something out of that straw. Maybe not gold, but still - some kind of alloy at least.

Something dark, something based on Little Nemo in Slumber Land maybe?

Gah... Oh well I have a few days more to come up with something really fun, new, cool, interesting and worthwhile.

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